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Management Training

Supervision of Public Safety Personnel

The all-new, two-week Supervision of Public Safety Personnel (SPSP) is a unique collaboration between NUCPS and the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA) that provides first-line public safety supervisors with a critical, solid foundation for professional development.

Strong first-line supervisory skills are essential for public safety professionals to successfully mitigate emergency incidents. Often, an effective response to a crisis requires a collaborative effort between leaders representing a variety of public safety disciplines. Such professionals have a responsibility to not only consistently demonstrate a cohesive public safety response but also to support a daily shift in existing paradigms, which often promote an ineffective and siloed approach. SPSP emphasizes the multidisciplinary first-line supervision training that has become the emerging leader’s cornerstone. This approach helps students embrace contemporary leadership challenges, better appreciate human behavior, and further develop enriching relationships with peers, co-workers, and the public.

SPSP’s integrated public safety training model promotes the collective mission of improving overall effectiveness during the provision of essential community services. The unique course is specifically designed to encourage supervisors from throughout the public safety industry to collectively study and embrace leadership concepts in a combined and supportive manner. In this course, students will collaboratively engage in classroom activities, discussions, assessment techniques, and learning technologies to prepare for a wide range of current topics relevant to supervising public safety personnel.

Course Content
• DiSC personal profile system
• Key elements of dynamic leadership and motivation
• Performance management
• Communication skills
• Incident command
• Community and media relations
• Joint information systems
• The disciplinary process
• Ethical behavior and diversity
• Physical and mental wellness
• Risk management and liability
• Generational issues and future trends

NUCPS and NIPSTA developed Supervision of Public Safety Personnel for a wide range of public safety participants, including fire service, law enforcement, EMS, telecommunications, hospitals, public health, and public works representing local, state, and federal agencies.Students who complete this program will be well-equipped to immediately apply these progressive concepts within their organizations.

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