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Transportation Engineering

Transportation Engineering

The NUCPS Transportation Engineering program offers internationally respected courses in the planning, design, and operation of transportation systems. Through training programs and resource materials, our Transportation Engineering courses disseminate information about, and facilitate the application of, recent developments in the field.

5-Day Workshops

3-Day Workshops

Technical Assistants

Continuing Education Units

The continuing education unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized method developed by the National University Extension Association for measuring and documenting participation in non-credit continuing education programs. NUCPS awards CEUs to participants who successfully complete continuing education transportation engineering courses.

Federal Financial Assistance

Under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA21), the US Department of Transportation has identified eight National Priority Program Areas, including "Roadway Safety" and "Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety." These National Priority Program Areas are eligible for federal funding under an expedited procedure as part of the 402 program (23 CFR 1205.4). NUCPS Transportation Engineering courses are intended to provide for "upgrading the skills of practicing traffic engineers, and providing basic instruction in traffic engineering techniques to other professionals and technicians," in the identified National Priority Programs Areas.

Host a Course

In addition to currently scheduled courses, NUCPS can offer any course at the location of your choice.  Learn more >>
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